Healthy Lifestyle Blog

How To Prevent Those Dreaded Cold Sores


I often get asked about whether diet can help to prevent recurring cold sores or not. My opinion is that diet can certainly help – It may not prevent them altogether but it can help

How To Prevent Those Dreaded Cold Sores 2018-05-16T12:45:07+00:00

Say No to Hay Fever This Summer!


Take Action Now To Ward Off Hay Fever! The longer evenings and milder weather herald the onset of sunnier times for most people. But for those with hay fever, the beginning of summer just means

Say No to Hay Fever This Summer! 2018-05-16T11:21:34+00:00

Party Season Survival Guide


Love it or loathe it there’s no escaping the merry making marathon that is December. And like any marathon, it’s best to pace yourself if you want to come out on top and look and

Party Season Survival Guide 2018-05-16T12:46:47+00:00

Food Intolerances: A Growing Controversy


One in four people claim to suffer from one but yet the subject of food intolerances still causes a major divide in opinion; there are two major camps - the sceptics who say it's all

Food Intolerances: A Growing Controversy 2018-05-16T12:47:16+00:00

Food Dilemmas Solved


Trying to make healthy choices in the supermarket can be quite a challenge, especially when you’re time pressed and/or have small children hanging out of you. However, knowing the nutritional credentials of your favourite foods

Food Dilemmas Solved 2018-05-16T11:23:45+00:00

Emotional Eating


Why you comfort eat and how to stop So you arrive home late after a long stressful day at work and decide to treat yourself to a pizza. You’re bored, there’s nothing on the TV,

Emotional Eating 2018-05-16T11:28:59+00:00

Fasting Diets, Do they work?


Every year, without fail, a new fad diet creates a media storm and every year I put my head in my hands and wonder are we ever going to learn. Without question, 2013 has been

Fasting Diets, Do they work? 2018-05-16T11:28:28+00:00

Celebrity Health Check!


  Hi guys, so, ever wonder what Irish celebs eat and drink to look & feel their best? Find out all their health tricks in my ‘Celebrity Health Check’ which features in the Herald. In

Celebrity Health Check! 2018-05-16T11:27:30+00:00